Monday, September 20, 2010

Anonymous Module Support in RequireJS

Thanks to the clever research and design feedback from Kris Zyp, I just finished committing some preliminary support for anonymous modules in RequireJS.

What are anonymous modules?

They are modules that do not declare their name as part of their definition. So instead of defining a module like so in RequireJS:

require.def('foo', ['bar'], function(bar) {});

You can now do this:

require.def(['bar'], function (bar) {});

When using RequireJS in the browser, the name of the module will be inferred by the script tag that loads it. For Rhino/Node, the module name is known at the time of the require.def call by the require() code, so those environments have an easier way to associate the module definition with the name.

Why is this important?

This allows your modules to be more portable -- if you change the directory structure of where a module is, there are fewer things that you need to change. You still may want to check module dependencies, but RequireJS now fully supports of relative module names, like "./bar" and "../bar", so by using those, it can help make your module more portable.

Requiring a module name in the module definition was also a notable objection that the CommonJS group had to the module format that RequireJS supports natively. By removing this objection, it gets easier to talk about unifying module formats across the groups.

To that end, there has been talk in the CommonJS group of an Asynchronous Module definition, something that allows the modules to work well in the browser without needing any server or client transforms. Some of the participants do not like the module format mentioned above, and prefer something that looks more like the existing CommonJS modules.

Tom Robinson put forward this suggestion:
require.def(function(require, exports, module) {
var foo = require("foo"),
bar = require("bar");
exports.someProp = "value";
and use Function.prototype.toString() to pull out the require calls and be sure to load them before executing the module's definition function. After doing some research, it seems like this approach could work for modules in development, and optimizations could be done for deployment that would add the module name and the dependencies outside the function.

So I also put support for the above syntax into RequireJS, in an attempt to get to an async module proposal in CommonJS that works for the the people that like the old, browser-unfriendly syntax and for the people like me that prefer a browser-friendly format I can code in source.

We still need to hash out the proposal more, but I am hopeful we can find a good middle ground. I also hope the above syntax makes it easier to support setting the module export value via "return" instead of having to use "module.exports =" or "module.setExports()".

I still plan to support the syntax that RequireJS has supported in the past -- any of this new syntax will hopefully be additive.

What is the fine print?

Only one anonymous module can be in a file. This should not be a problem, since you are encouraged to only put one module in a file for your source code.

The RequireJS optimization tool can group modules together into an optimized file, and it has the smarts to also inject the module name at that time, so you get less typing and a more robust module source form, but still get the optimization benefits for deployment.

In addition to adding the module name, the RequireJS optimization tool will also pull out the dependencies that are specified using the CommonJS Asynchronous Module proposal mentioned above, and add those to the require.def call to make that form more efficient.

When will it be available?

Right now the code is in the master branch. Feel free to pull it and try it. There may be some loose ends to clean up, but there are unit tests for it, and the old unit tests pass.

This code will likely be part of a 0.14 release. I want to get in loading modules from CommonJS-formatted packages before I do the 0.14 release, so it still is probably a few weeks away. But please feel free to try out the latest code in master to get an early preview.

Again, many thanks to Kris Zyp for seeing patterns I overlooked, doing some great IE research, and for pushing for these changes.

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