Wednesday, January 23, 2008

X-Web-Epoch instead of X-UA-Compatible

This is in response to the X-UA-Compatible proposal from Microsoft to help IE8 and future IE browsers to know how to render web pages. There is a lot of commentary on the subject, but here are what I believe to be the original (public) sources for the proposal:
I understand and sympathize with IE's position: they need a switch to know when they can use a more standards-compliant rendering engine. There is a vast sea of font tags, tables, spacer images and document.all references inside corporate intranets, and no one is going to update that code, ever. However, any new versions of IE are expected to be able to render that sea of forgotten markup faithful to the original coder's intent. A responsibility IE gets for winning the first round of browser wars.

However, IE is getting push from today's web developers that want something easier to code against given today's suggested cultural approach to web development, namely adherence to publicly accepted web standards.

X-UA-Compatible provides a switch for IE to know what the developer wants: does the developer want the old wild west behavior, or a more standards-based behavior?

However, I do not like the X-UA-Compatible proposal because it focuses too much on specifying a rendering engine and engine version (like specifying IE=8). Actually it is even more specific than rendering engine, it is really a product version switch.

I think the switch should be more of a "culture version" switch than an explicit product version switch. Tying the switch to product versioning seems too fragile. Ideally, IE8 and IE9 will be released before there is a cultural shift in expectations over development.

It also makes it hard for me as a more standards-based developer to make a decision on X-UA-Compatible. I'll likely just use the "edge" value, but then over time, "edge" will lose its meaning and it will just mean "what web developers do today". We'll need a new switch in the future once "edge" reaches the status of today's DOCTYPE.

Maybe it makes more sense to use a culture version number instead. For the sake of argument, I'll call it X-Web-Epoch, but I am not tied to that name. The value for X-Web-Epoch would be an URL that corresponds to the epoch that is targeted. I see having two epochs right now:
  • Epoch 1: The tag soup, wild west version of the web IE is expected to render, in particular inside corporate intranets.
  • Epoch 2: The standards-based development of today. I would also include "the expectation that things develop and change over time" as part of that Epoch 2.
Epoch 1 is the default. It is used for web pages that do not have a X-Web-Epoch META tag or HTTP header.

So, something like this for Epoch 2:

<meta equiv="X-Web-Epoch" content="">

That URL does not actually exist, so spare the servers and do not try to actually go to it. This does not have to be the actual URL mentioned above, just some URL.

The URL should be resolvable to a real document that explains the cultural assumptions of that epoch.

The Epoch 2 document could list things like:
  • Assumes public standards-based development.
  • List the general set of standards.
  • Maybe list things like progressive enhancement, how to design for accessibility.
  • Most importantly: things will change over time as bugs are fixed to improve standards compliance. There also may be new standards adopted.
  • It could have a changelog since this document is allowed to change slightly over time.
The document would hopefully set expectations accordingly, in particular that things may change slightly over time. Bonus points: the document can serve as a pointer to how best to code in that Epoch.

Ideally the definition of Epoch 2 is big enough that we might have a chance to go many browser versions without needing a new Epoch, and browsers can go a long time without needing completely new rendering engines.

In reality, cultural expectations will change over time, and we will likely need an Epoch 3 to allow the browser market leader of that time to be able to implement a new rendering engine, so they do not have spaghetti code in just one giant backwards-compatible engine. But again, there should be a longer time span vs. what might be expected with X-UA-Compatible.

It also seems like a better approach than using "edge" in X-UA-Compatible.

This would give IE the switch it needs for its new rendering engine. Other browsers of today, they are just fine moving along with what they have now. They can ignore the switch for now, until they become market leader and have to adapt to an Epoch 3. Hopefully, web developers get iteration from IE in a more timely manner, and a better baseline for development.

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